Sanborn Covered Bridge

Friends of the Sanborn CB
We are always seeking volunteer support for covered bridge related projects. Have your name added to the project list! We will send out an email of upcoming opportunities to help with hands-on projects, planning for fundraising, and events at the bridge sites
Total Secured Funding
What happens now?
The Town has a contract with Dubois & King to conduct the required engineering for the bridge. Phase 1 of engineering should be complete by December 2023. Phase 2 will begin in January 2024.
This project requires several reviews and permits. With the support of many, this part of the project will be wrapped up by the end of 2023, too.
Construction is tenatively planned for the late fall of 2024 into the winter, barring any complications with permitting, engineering, or funding.
Late Summer/Fall of 2025 is the tenative completion date.
Stepping up to bridge Lyndon’s history, public art, outdoor recreation, & community.
Lyndon is the “Covered Bridge Capital of the NEK” and the home to five historic covered bridges. With renewed Town commitment to these assets, planning for their continued presence is underway.
A small grant from Kingdom Trails Association helped paint Schoolhouse Bridge in June 2022 and installed interpretive signs at Sanborn and Schoolhouse. An Animating Infrastructure Grant through the Vermont Arts Council was awarded for a sculptural installation at Sanborn Bridge by October 2023. The sculpture project is also supported by Vermont Community Foundation and Vermont Humanities.
The biggest news is the acquisition of Sanborn Bridge by the Town of Lyndon and the seeking of funds for its revitalization. The restoration of this Paddleford Truss bridge is a $1.5M project. Preservation Trust of Vermont has seeded the project by awarding Sanborn CB a 2022 Bruhn Revitalization Grant of $100,000. Additional grant funding has been awarded by Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, USDA Rural Development, Northern Borders Regional Commission, The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, and The Freeman Foundation and VTrans Transportation Alternatives Program. The Town will continue to seek grant funding for the project.
We are always seeking volunteer support for covered bridge related projects. Have your name added to the project list! We will send out an email of upcoming opportunities to help with hands-on projects, planning for fundraising, and events at the bridge sites.
Gratitude to:
Many thanks to our donors of the capital campaign!
Supporters of the Bridge: giving of $1000-$4,999
Century 21
Passumpsic Bank
Vermont Covered Bridges Society
Carmen’s Ice Cream, Inc.
Steve & Marty Feltus
Lyndon Woodworking
BJB Properties, LLC
Jason Smith of Sheffield, VT
Benefactors of the Bridge: giving of $5,000-$9,999
Union Bank
Sustainers of the Bridge: giving of $10,000+
Vanguard Charitable in honor of Sarah Lafferty
The White Market
Community National Bank
Lyndon Chamber of Commerce
Legacy Giving for the Bridge: giving of $50,000+
Barbara Allen Norris, former owner of Bag Balm