Municipal Boards

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Selectboard Agendas

As of 07/01/23 the Selectboard will meet on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 879 0702 4731
Passcode: 434127

SB Agenda 012025

Environmental Report – Sanborn Covered Bridge is available for viewing at the Municipal Building.

PC Strikethrough 07_10_24

PC Red Line 07_10_24

Select Board


SB Minutes 010625

SB Minutes 123024

SB Minutes 121624

SB Minutes 111824

SB Minutes 110424

SB Minutes 102124

SB Minutes 091624

SB Minutes 090324

SB Minutes 081924

SB Minutes 081524 Emergency Meeting

SB Minutes 080524

SB Minutes 071524

SB Minutes 070124

SB Minutes 061724

SB Minutes 050624

SB Minutes 041524

SB Minutes 040124

SB Minutes 031824

SB Minutes 030424

SB Minutes 030424 Public Info Meeting

SB Minutes 020524

SB Minutes 012624

SB Minutes 012424

SB Minutes 011724

SB Minutes 011524

SB Minutes 011024

SB Minutes 010224

SB Minutes 121823

SB Minutes 112023

SB Minutes 111723 Budget Meeting

SB Minutes 110623

Development Review Board

Please find DRB minutes, agendas, and links on the Planning & Zoning page. To visit the page,….

The DRB meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 6pm

Join the Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 868 4583 4759

Passcode: DRB2022


Dial by your location    +1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 868 4583 4759

Passcode: 9195531

Planning Commission

Please find PC minutes, agendas, and links on the Planning & Zoning page. To visit the page,….

The PC meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 9884 5999
Passcode: PC2023

Dial by Location:

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 867 9884 5999
Passcode: 414450



Listers Agenda – Lodging Grand List 07-31-24

Lyndon Hazard Mitigation Highway


LHMH Agenda 120324

LHMH Presentation Slideshow

LHMH Presentation Slides from 082224

Lyndon Hazard Mitigation Highway


LHMH Meeting recording-01-06-25

LHMH Meeting video recording 12-03-24

LHMH Minutes 082624

Link to Audio from 082224 Meeting 

LHMH Presentation Slides from 082224

LHMH Comments Info 081524

LHMH Q&A’s 081524

LHMH Minutes 081524

LHMH Presentation with notes 073024

LHMH Zoom Meeting Link 073024

LHMH Minutes 053024

LHMH Minutes 112023

Board of Civil Authority & Board of Abatement


BCA Agenda 072424

Board of Civil Authority & Board of Abatement


BCA Minutes 072424

BOA Minutes 080723

BCA Minutes 080723

ARPA Committee

Agendas & Minutes

  Zoom link is posted on the agenda.


ARPA minutes 020123



ARPA minutes 070622

ARPA minutes 060222

ARPA minutes 050422

ARPA minutes 040622

ARPA minutes 030822

Village Trustees


Village Trustees


Trustee Minutes 061223

Trustee Minutes 051523

Trustee Minutes 041723

Trustee Minutes 040323

Trustee Minutes 032023

Trustee Minutes 022723

Trustee Minutes 020623

Trustee Minutes 012323

Trustee Minutes 121922

Trustee Minutes 121222